12 of the Most Common WordPress Consultant Fears

Fears are terrible for business. They can paralyze you from getting started. Cause you to make reckless decisions. Lead you to rush into client relationships you know are a bad fit. And much more.

But, you know what? We’ve all experienced the same WordPress consultant fears. Every single one of us. And, really, what they boil down to is fear of the unknown.

Trust me, I get it. You want to be a WordPress consultant and you have a plan for your business. But how can you plan for something you’ve never done before? (You can, but more on that later.) At this point, your fears are getting the best of you. All those what-ifs are going to drive you crazy and, for some of you, frighten you off from starting, moving forward, or enjoying the successes of your business.

I say we get you past those WordPress consultant fears. Starting now.

12 Most Common WordPress Consultant Fears

There’s a Kobe Bryant quote from a Sports Illustrated interview he did in 2013 that I think is particularly relevant here:

“I have self-doubt. I have insecurity. I have fear of failure. I have nights when I show up at the arena and I'm like, ‘My back hurts, my feet hurt, my knees hurt. I don't have it. I just want to chill.’ We all have self-doubt. You don't deny it, but you also don't capitulate to it. You embrace it. You rise above it…”

So, that’s what we’re going to do right now. Embrace the most common fears we all have as WordPress consultants. Then, get past them.

1. What if this is a stupid business idea?
Don’t listen to the naysayers. So long as you have the motivation, the right attitude, and a good set of tools on your side, there’s nothing stupid or impractical about going into business for yourself.

2. What if I don’t have enough experience?
You wouldn’t be considering this if you didn’t have the right amount of experience. But that’s also what’s so great about the WordPress community: if you have a client that wants something you’re not capable of delivering, reach out to others to fill your gaps. There’s no shame in that. Plus, the right partnership could help you increase pricing in the future.

3. What if I have no specialty?
Everyone has one area of expertise they can highlight when selling their WordPress consultant services. It may take time to figure out what that your niche is, but you’ll get there. In the meantime, focus on the value you bring to your clients’ businesses.

4. What if no one wants to work with me?
If you have confidence in your skills, a kickass portfolio to prove it, and former clients or employers willing to vouch for you, there’s nothing to worry about. Believe you’re worth working with and clients will gravitate towards that.

5. What if I don’t make enough to pay my bills?
Well, that’s a valid concern. But only if you don’t price your services the right way or go about finding the right kinds of clients for your business.

6. What if I get too many clients and can’t handle the workload?
Well, that’s a cause for celebration. If your schedule is bursting at the seams and you’re overextended, it’s time to scale.

7. What if I get sick or injured or have to stop working for awhile?
Then take care of yourself until you’re ready to come back to work. Having a finance management plan will help you counter these fears as would freelancer’s disability insurance (as a “just in case” backup plan).

8. What if my clients don’t pay?
That’s why you have a contract with them. It will include all the details of the project along with your requirements for rate of pay, schedule of pay, and penalties for failure to pay.

9. What if I get too distracted working from home?
There are plenty of WordPress consultants who work from home and others who just can’t stay productive there. Whether it’s a noisy family, a loud neighborhood, or you’re just too easily drawn to the television, there are other places you can work without having to rent out an entire office space.

10. What if I make a bad decision?
Look, it’s going to happen. There’s not much you can do except be the most kickass WordPress consultant you can possibly be. Then, when you mess up, accept responsibility and learn from it.

11. What if I fail?
If you’re here, then you’re in it to win it, right? So long as you take pride in the work you do and set out to provide a truly high-value service to clients, there isn’t much to fear. That said, if circumstances beyond your control should lead you down that path, have a backup plan (and some savings) in place to cover you until you get back up again.

12. What if I succeed?
There’s something comforting about sitting in that sweet spot of being busy, but not feeling completely overwhelmed. But the second your services are in top demand and you’re having more money thrown at you than you know what to do with, well, there’s going to be some panic.

Panic about how you’ll handle it all.

Panic about changes that’ll eventually need to happen if you want to sustain or build upon that success.

Panic that you could lose it all someday.

But success is what we’re all here for, so put all these WordPress consultant fears aside right now. And let’s talk about getting your business on the right track and have you feeling good about it, too.

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Picture of Troy Dean

Troy Dean

I am the Founder of Agency Mavericks. The reason I get out of bed every day is because I love helping people to grow their web design or digital marketing businesses. I do this through coaching, creating courses, speaking, consulting and heading up our awesome community.

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