Accessibility as a Value Proposition and Revenue Opportunity

Chris Hinds (1)

with Chris Hinds

Show Notes:

Viewing accessibility in web design solely as a compliance measure to avoid legal repercussions is a limited perspective. As highlighted in the Agency Hour podcast featuring Chris Hines from Equalize Digital, accessibility should be recognized for its broader benefits. It offers agencies a chance to deliver substantial value to their clients, boost their own revenue, and enable clients to connect with a more extensive audience.

Significant Business Opportunity in Accessibility

The podcast episode with Chris Hines from Equalize Digital underscores a substantial business opportunity for agencies in digital accessibility. Here are key points illustrating why focusing on accessibility can be transformative for agencies seeking to stand out and secure more business:

Market Gap in Accessibility

The episode reveals a startling statistic: 95% of websites have detectable accessibility issues on their homepage. This indicates a vast market gap where agencies can intervene. By addressing these issues, a website can be propelled into the top 5% for accessibility, offering a clear competitive edge.

Lack of Competitor Focus

Many competitors overlook accessibility due to unawareness or perceived complexity. Chris Hines shares an instance where 70% of competitors were disqualified from an RFP process for recommending subpar solutions. This opens a niche for agencies ready to invest in understanding and implementing accessibility standards.

Legal and Regulatory Drivers

With impending legal requirements like the European Accessibility Act, set to take effect in summer 2025, businesses will increasingly need to ensure their websites are accessible. Agencies proactive in this area can become go-to experts, aiding clients in complying with these regulations.

Economic Incentives

There are economic reasons for businesses to enhance their website's accessibility. Chris Hines discusses how accessibility can lead to improved SEO, higher conversions, and a better overall user experience. By framing accessibility improvements in terms of these business benefits, agencies can present a compelling case to potential clients.

Differentiation Through Value

Agencies can set themselves apart by including accessibility in their value proposition. By addressing clients' concerns and aligning accessibility with their objectives, such as risk reduction or inclusivity, agencies can promote accessibility as a key component of a high-quality solution.

Prospecting High-Need Clients

The episode suggests targeting industries that stand to gain significantly from accessibility, such as government, higher education, e-commerce, mid-cap enterprises, and large nonprofits. These sectors often have the budget and the need for accessible websites, making them prime prospects for agencies offering accessibility services.

Educating Clients

Education is crucial. Many businesses may not recognize the importance of accessibility or its potential impact on their operations. Agencies that can inform clients about the benefits of accessibility are more likely to secure business in this underserved area.

Accessibility as a Revenue Stream

Chris Hines talks about the potential of incorporating accessibility into existing offerings, such as care plans or quarterly reports. This not only adds value for clients but also creates a new revenue stream for the agency.

In conclusion, the podcast episode emphasises that there is a significant business opportunity in accessibility for agencies willing to invest in this area. By understanding the needs of potential clients and the broader market, agencies can differentiate themselves, offer unique value, and capture a share of an emerging and increasingly important market.

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Troy Dean

I am the Founder of Agency Mavericks. The reason I get out of bed every day is because I love helping people to grow their web design or digital marketing businesses. I do this through coaching, creating courses, speaking, consulting and heading up our awesome community.

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