As you watch episode 44 of Silence Is Golden (or read the recap below), take note of the topic that surfaces numerous times over the course of it:
You are not a community service. You’re running a business.
If this is something you have questions or concerns about, you can’t afford to miss this content-packed episode. Or the chance to win a copy of Seth Godin’s latest book.
Watch the Video
Mavericks Branding Reveal!
If you think about it, Troy and Simon pretty much assume the roles of Maverick and Goose every Monday on Silence Is Golden.
Is it too far of a stretch to believe that Troy landed a lead role in Top Gun 2 as the 12.23 minute mark would suggest? (Ehhhh…)
Okay, okay. Troy Dean might not get to play the role of Maverick next year, but he’s certainly hoping to turn more of you into Mavericks. (Big shout-out goes to Ben who taught himself After Effects in order to create this new Mavericks branding. It looks great!)
If you’d like to learn more about how to join Agency Mavericks’s high-end mastermind program, email [email protected] and make sure to put the word “Maverick” in the subject line.
The Golden Nugget
At 23.41, Troy and Simon get to The Golden Nugget.
To introduce this concept, we’re given a gander at the Agency Mavericks Podcast Episode 91, featuring Seth Godin. In the preview, Seth coaches Kristina Romero, one of our Elevators, through a question about pricing services.
As Seth explains, the question shouldn’t be how low you’re willing to drop pricing in order to land new clients. Instead, it should be how much longer you’re willing to sell services to people who don’t have the money to pay for the value you bring to their lives. If they don’t appreciate it, they don’t deserve it.
Troy sums this up well:
“Just because you have the skills to help somebody, and they don’t have the budget to pay you accordingly, doesn’t mean you’re obliged to help them. You are not a community service. You are running a business. And you owe it to yourself and everyone around you to run a profitable business.”
Tool of the Week
At the 34.00 minute mark, we talk about the tool of the week – Buffer Stories Creator.
Buffer Stories Creator
This is a free tool from Buffer that improves your ability to design and deliver thumb-stopping stories for Instagram and Facebook.
Let’s Get Unstuck
At 38.10, Troy and Simon attempt to get Carmen Klammer unstuck.
Troy’s face is an open book. Basically, his response went like this:
Dropping your price is a stupid idea.
This goes back to the idea Seth Godin mentioned earlier. Never waste your time on clients that view you as a commodity. If they don’t appreciate your value and aren’t willing to pay for it accordingly, they’re not worth your time. And they’re going to make it difficult to sustain profitability while running a business.
This isn’t just about the money you make from each project either. This is about the difficulty you’ll have in finding new clients, too. As you work for less money, you work within a highly competitive pool of other undervalued service providers.
Wrap Up
Be sure to keep an eye out for next month’s batch of content focused around #closingtheloop, where we’ll talk about ways to be more productive and get more done in less time.
Upcoming Webinar
On December 7, Troy will be hosting a webinar where he’ll teach you how to level up your business and charge better fees. A special guest will be joining him, so sign up now and make sure you don’t miss out.
SIG is Coming to the U.S.
For those of you who live in the U.S. and want to attend a live session of Silence Is Golden, stay tuned to next week’s episode. Troy and Simon will provide all the details on how to get tickets to their Newport Beach episode.
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