Number two. Qualify your leads before you meet with them.
Good day I'm Troy Dean from Video User Manuals and Agency Mavericks. And this is the one 101 Ways To Elevate Yourself and Demand Higher Fees. A practical guide for WordPress consultants to start attracting better quality clients, work on better more interesting projects and get paid better fees. Now, let's go elevate.
Number two. Qualify your leads before you meet with them. And I know this might sound pretty basic and pretty rudimentary. But I guarantee you, you will save yourself hours of writing proposals that are never going to get approved if you start methodically and systematically qualifying your leads right up the front of the sales process before you go and meet them. So there's a couple of ways that you can qualify them. You can just send them a website worksheet as a word document on an e-mail and ask them to fill it out and send it back. Or you can use something like woofoo to set up a web form and ask them a series of questions. Or you can, if you're using WordPress and you're using gravity forms, you can set up a gravity form so that they can log onto your website and they can fill in a website enquiry form and you can start qualifying this client before you invest any time in going and meeting them or writing proposals. Now, if you'd like to see an example of this in real life, just visit and you'll see the page that I use. And this is the page that when anyone pops their head up and says ‘Hey, I'm want to talk to you about a new website.' I say ‘Great, the first thing you need to do is go to websites and tell me a little bit about your business so that I can see if we're a good fit for each other.'
That saves me a ton of time driving all over town meeting with prospects who haven't really thought about their business model or their project. It also allows me to then start picking and choosing the types of clients that I want to work with based on some criteria. And in the next episode of this podcast, I'll start telling you what kinds of questions you need to be asking and what kind of criteria you can start putting together to make sure you qualify those leads instead of doing the initial client meeting. So, until then, go elevate.
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