The future of WordPress – what opportunities and challenges lie ahead for us? This is the third Think Tank in a series where we round-up the top-dogs of the WordPress space and discuss hot topics in the world of WordPress. Podcasts, articles and newsletters only scratch the surface of what’s really going on in the WordPress eco-system. Tune in and go deep.
No prize this week. Stay tuned next week for our podcast with Tracy Levesque from Yikes Inc.
Hot off the Press:
– We discuss End to End solutions for smaller business (like Happy Tables, hosted WooCommerce shops and Obox Instant).
– Lots on insights into WordPress training resources.
– How the race to the bottom benefits platforms and not developers: some interesting opinions on this!
Our panelists for WP Think Tank #3 include the these top-dogs:
– Tom Willmot from Human Made, Happy Tables and WP Remote
– Jake Goldman from 10Up
– Alex King from Crowd Favorite
– Miriam Schwab from Illuminea
– Shane Pearlman from Modern Tribe
– Matt Medeiros from the Matt Report
and Troy Dean of course!
You can reach out and thank our panelists, or leave feedback about WP Think Tanks #3 here:
No suggested guests this week. But here’s an update on some cool upcoming guests: Tracey Levesque from Yikes Inc and Dale Baeumont from Business Bluepint.
BTW No luck securing Oprah Winfrey or Richard Branson at this stage!
Hint: stay tuned for awesome prizes in next week’s podcast!
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