6 Tips from the WP Elevation Podcast That Will Revolutionise Your Business Operations

One of the especially cool things about the Agency Mavericks podcast is that every guest comes with a unique story. And, yet, those unique stories all tend to have a similar thread running throughout them:

Operating a business and making money isnโ€™t difficultโ€ฆ anymore. This is what I had to do to take control of my narrative.

Revolutionise Your Business Operations with the Help of the Agency Mavericks Podcast

Today, the Agency Mavericks podcast has done close to 250 episodes. Although those episodes feature a wide array of subject matter experts, there are common themes we see time and time again when it comes to how they were able to revolutionise their business operations:

  • Niching down
  • Creating processes
  • Adopting the right tools
  • Time management
  • Team management
  • Prioritising profitability

Letโ€™s look at some recent episodes that cover these important business lessons.

Amber Hinds: Commit to Your Niche

We all go into business with a dream of what we want that business and our life outside it to look like. But itโ€™s never as easy as saying โ€œI want to run a seven-figure agencyโ€ or โ€œI want to live life on the road with my family.โ€ You need a super-clear vision of what you plan to do and who you will serve in the process.

In this episode, Amber talks about the fear of committing to a single niche, but how, once she did, it ultimately enabled her and her husband to build a business that enabled the lifestyle they wanted.

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Bret Philips: Develop Your Processes the Right Way

There are tons of stories on the podcast from Elevators who describe how the Blueprint helped them tighten up their business operations and processes over the long run. In Bretโ€™s case, it didnโ€™t take long for him to discover how useful those pre-built and fully-loaded processes really were.

In this episode, Bret talks about his first encounter with the Blueprint and how he used strategies like the anti-follow-up to close a deal that was three times more than what heโ€™d ever earned in the past.

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Ivica Delic: Build Your Toolbox

Just as you shouldnโ€™t go into business trying to build all your processes from the ground up, you shouldnโ€™t try to manage them all on your own either. Itโ€™s an inefficient and ineffective way to manage your operations.

In this episode, Ivica talks about tools. Which ones to use. Where to get them. And who to listen to for recommendations when you need to strengthen your businessโ€™s toolbox.

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Christie Chirinos: Master Your Time

Even if you follow the three tips above, youโ€™re not going to suddenly transform your hectic workday into something that feels on par with a trip to the spa. There will always be a pile of things sitting on your desk(top) waiting for you. But rather than allow yourself to be overwhelmed by them, you should actively decide how youโ€™ll spend your time handling them.

In this episode, Christie Chirinos provides some insight into the Eisenhower Matrix and how it helps her decide the level of importance, urgency and, ultimately, the priority of tasks.

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James Schramko: Delegate, Delegate, Delegate

For many business owners, the company they dreamed of building isnโ€™t one that revolves around them managing every single piece of it. But thatโ€™s what happens. You start a business with a specific skill set, take on everything while youโ€™re in bootstrapping phase and then wake up one day and realise, โ€œUgh, I really donโ€™t want to be the one building websites anymore.โ€

In this episode, James Schramko talks about what led him to hire a team, how he delegates tasks to them and why the key to successful team management is the quality of people you hire in the first place.

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Mike Michalowicz: Pay Yourself First

Letโ€™s say youโ€™ve optimised the s*** out of your operations. Your business is a well-oiled machine. But itโ€™s not just how you streamline income generation thatโ€™s important for your businessโ€™s success, itโ€™s what you do with those earnings that matters too.

In this episode, Mike Michalowicz shares his own story of failing to prioritise profitability and the finance management process heโ€™s since developed to ensure that failure is never a part of his (or your) story again.

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If you listen to enough Agency Mavericks podcast episodes, youโ€™ll notice that many of the guests have learned these same lessons โ€” sometimes on their own, sometimes with the help of others. And the destination for these folks is always the same:

A stronger business.

A better quality of clientele.

A life they actually have time to enjoy.

If youโ€™re ready to revolutionise your own business operations and start living the life youโ€™ve always dreamed about, start with this free webinar. It will teach you how to find better clients, work on more fulfilling projects and make more money in the process.

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Picture of Suzanne Scacca

Suzanne Scacca

Suzanne Scacca is a freelance copywriter whose work has been featured on WordPress and web design blogs like Elegant Themes, Pagely, and A List Apart. She believes in the power of good quotes, timely statistics, and simple, easy-to-follow language that speaks directly to the pain of the audience.

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