How to Use Sales Funnels to Level Up Your Business with Dave Foy


with Dave Foy

Design Build Web

I know, I know… “Sales funnel” is a bit of a buzzword at the moment. But this episode of the WP Elevation podcast — featuring brilliant teacher Dave Foy — is going to change how you view sales funnels and how you use them in your business. More specifically, you’re going to learn how to use sales funnels to sell high-ticket products and level up your business.

Show Notes

Who Is Dave Foy? (3:20)

The first time Dave Foy was on the WP Elevation podcast, he talked about his love for teaching and how it eventually led him to create Design Build Web and become a WordPress instructor.

Now, Dave is no stranger to teaching WordPress users how to build and use sales funnels. That said, this episode of the podcast is a bit different as he and Troy are focused solely on how to help WordPress consultants level up their business and start selling high-ticket sales funnels.

What Is He Working on Now? (4:30)

Dave recently attended Lee Jackson’s Agency Transformation event and came away with big ideas for transforming his business.

The first was to spend more time getting out into the real world and speaking to people. There are just too many lessons to be learned — from speakers and other attendees — when you attend a live event.

The second was to remove himself as the bottleneck from his business. To do this, he’s been levelling up his SOPs as well as hiring people to handle a wide variety of jobs for him.

“The difference is incredible. I’m working at a much higher level now.”

Down the road, he hopes to loosen the reins enough so that others can teach courses for Design Build Web, too. As he explains in the podcast, people don’t really care who delivers the training so long as they get something useful from it. So, why not lighten his load a bit while giving his company the capacity to produce more content?

How to Use Sales Funnels and Level Up [A New Course] (11:30)

If you just started the episode and are wondering why Troy and Dave are so chummy, it’s because they recently spent a lot of time together creating a new course called:

High-Ticket Sales Funnels

Let’s break it down:

What Is a High-Ticket Product? (15:20)

According to Dave, a high-ticket product or service is one that you consider to be a lot of money.

So, for instance, let’s say you’re currently selling websites at $5,000 a pop. A high-ticket website would then be $10,000 or $15,000.

In other words, a high-ticket product is the next step up.

What Is a High-Ticket Sales Funnel?

There is a direct correlation between high-ticket products and the type of client you attract with them.

In essence, you create a high-ticket sales funnel that gets your product in front of a large number of prospects, weeds out those that are a bad fit and fosters the remaining high-quality leads to conversion.

It looks like this:

Why Do You Need High-Ticket Sales Funnels? (17:30)

What’s nice about high-ticket sales funnels is that you’re going to get a bunch of people into your pipeline at once. And even though a large percentage of them won’t be a good fit, that’s exactly the point of the sales funnel.

This system weeds out the ill-fitting clients and brings you the ones who are attracted by high-ticket products.

They’ll be savvy decision-makers that are ready to take action. What’s not to love about that?

What Will You Learn in the High-Ticket Sales Funnel Course (20:15)

Dave and Troy have partnered up to show you how to use sales funnels to level up and get those higher-quality clients that are willing to pay for more value. You’ll also learn how to create high-ticket sales funnels that you can package up as a service to sell to clients.

What’s more, they’ve developed a course that’s very simple and practical in nature and will get you about 95% of the way to launching your first high-ticket sales funnel by the time you complete it. Just follow the process, fill in the blanks and use the scripts.

Like Dave says, “it’s not complicated wizardry.”

But First… Put Aside That Impostor Syndrome (23:20)

In order to sell high-ticket products using Troy’s and Dave’s sales funnel system, you have to put aside your impostor syndrome.

Dave says:

In other words, stop making excuses for why you can’t:

In fact, Dave doesn’t just suggest that you put the excuses aside. He and Troy both say that you need to face your fears and obstacles head on.


The response to our first release of the course has been AMAZING.

Already, so many overworked, overstretched, and over-scheduled people have said “YES!” to making a big change in their business and their lives.

Will you be next?

Join the High Ticket Sales Funnel course here. 

If you’re tired of the hustle, this is your ticket out.





Reach Out

You can reach out and thank Dave Foy on the Design Build Web website.

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Picture of Troy Dean

Troy Dean

I am the Founder of Agency Mavericks. The reason I get out of bed every day is because I love helping people to grow their web design or digital marketing businesses. I do this through coaching, creating courses, speaking, consulting and heading up our awesome community.

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