Number sixty: Send a congratulations email
Good day, I'm Troy Dean from video user manuals and Agency Mavericks and this is the 101 Ways to Elevate Yourself and Demand Higher Fees: A practical guide for WordPress consultants to start attracting better quality clients, work on better, more interesting projects and get paid better fees. Now, let's go elevate.
Number 60: Send a congratulations email. So when a website goes live, what we like to do is send a congratulations email to everyone who was involved in the project. That's staff on our side, any contractors that we used, and the client, and everyone on the client's side who's involved and anyone else who might have been involved client-side whether it's accountants or lawyers or their own designer or anyone else.
The whole team, everyone who collaborated on the project, we send a congratulations email congratulating everyone on their hard work and thanking everyone for their hard work and a link to the final site now that it's up and about and live. And again, it's just a nice way of showing the client that you actually care about their business and that you care about their success.
It's a great way to elevate yourself as above average web developer, that you do actually care about their business and their success. In the next video you're going to learn when to say thank you. Until then, go elevate.
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