Number seventeen: Do Homework
Good day. I'm Troy Dean from video user manuals and Agency Mavericks and this is the 101 Ways to Elevate Yourself and Demand Higher Fees, a practical guide for WordPress consultants to start attracting better quality clients, work on better, more interesting projects and get paid better fees. Now, let's go elevate.
Number 17, do your homework. Yeah, I know this sounds really obvious too, but I've been called out myself on this and I've seen it happen with other WordPress consultants. Where you walk into a client meeting, they have some burning issue that's going on in their industry that their trying to navigate. And I have no idea what they're talking about because I haven't done my research. Because I was under the pump and didn't get a chance to do the research on the client's industry before I turned up.
So, there's this great website called “Google”. I'm not sure if you've heard of it. But it allows you to do all this great research on your client, their competitors, the industry, what's going on in the marketplace, who their peers are, what their competitors' websites are doing, any tactics that are being used, what's happening in the global marketplace, what's happening from a recruitment point of view.
Fuel up so that you know what's going on in their industry, so that you can talk about what's topical and you can talk about what their competitors are doing. Absolutely do your homework, make some notes and take those notes into the meeting. It will show them that you've done your research and it will show them that you care about their business.
As I said, it's really easy to forget to do this basic stuff. But if you do it, it will just help elevate you above the pack. In the next episode, I'm going to talk about the importance of superpowers, believe it or not. Until then, go elevate. Make sure you subscribe to the 101 Ways Podcast in the iTunes Store and just search for “101 Ways to Elevate”. Or visit us at and download the free 101 Ways e-book.